Tuesday, July 10, 2007

156/365 Minimum Wage

Whenever I come to Portland, I envision a life hanging out in coffeehouses, wandering the streets, taking in a matinée, playing at city leisure. I always seem to forget that my deadlines are exactly the same as they are at home. That if I actually do those things, I will miss my deadlines. Or have to make up the time somewhere, somehow.

I’ve always loved this They Might Be Giants song. Social commentary at its best: two words and the crack of a whip.


Susan said...

Are you familiar with a Portland newspaper called The West End News?

Indigo Bunting said...

I am not. I'll have to keep a lookout for it. (Maine, right? Not Oregon?)

Susan said...

Maine, right. I haven't seen it myself, but its editor, Ed King, is an old friend of mine.

Bridgett said...

TMBG--they do know how to sum it up.