I’m just back from my cousin’s memorial service. I’m exhausted. It’s all quite surreal (and he was a funny guy), so today, as a bit of an intermission from my needing to think, I leave you with this theme.
As a followup to Dan Waber’s x365 project, for which participants wrote about one person a day for a year, Lisa Otter’s starting a 365 project to blog a song a day (a musical memoir writing exercise). Her hub (and the project) is called Dancing about Architecture, based on the Elvis Costello quote: “Writing about music is like dancing about architecture—it’s a really stupid thing to want to do.” To join in, link to her blog. •
I really don’t have time to do this, so most entries will likely be the briefest of notes. • Or maybe I’ll last a day or two and drop out.
I wonder if anyone will try to steal John Cleese's (or other Python members') brains when they die?
Shhh! I'm trying to keep my evil plots covert!
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