Wednesday, March 14, 2007

38/365 Pfft! You Was Gone

I admit it. When I was a kid, I occasionally watched Hee Haw. It was no Laugh-In, mind you, but I liked Minnie Pearl, and I liked that silly song about love gone wrong.

Later I learned the song from a traditional bluegrass songbook, and the verses were completely different. Certainly it’s a song for which verse after verse can be written ad nauseam. But the chorus was always the same (with the possible exception of the use of was/were and the spelling of pfft!):

Where, oh where are you tonight?
Why did you leave me here all alone?
I searched the world over and I thought I’d found true love.
You met another and pfft! you was gone!


Cedar Waxwing said...

I watched Hee Haw sometimes too. Didn't recognize that verse though...

Unknown said...

OMG! This will be going through my head ALL DAY!

Damn you, Indigo!

Helen said...

AAHHGG. Now I'm going to be seeing exclamation marks all day.

Damn you, Maureen.

Indigo Bunting said...

M: Mwahahahaha! I have again unleashed evil upon the earth!

Helen: !!!!! ???

Susan said...

I'd rather see exclamation points all day than the price tag dangling from Minnie Pearl's hat.

Still can't comment from my computer, so you may not hear from me very much. But I'm still reading (and enjoying)!

Indigo Bunting said...

Susan: These sudden problems are so annoying!

Sewa Yoleme said...

My grandfather was a huge fan of Hee Haw. I loved Minnie Pearl; it was our only real place of agreement on just about anything.

I'd love to hear an original bluegrass version of "Pfft!" someday.