Wednesday, March 21, 2007

45/365 The Blue Danube

The other Pierre tune is Strauss’s “The Blue Danube.” For this number, Pierre needed two beautiful women. The three of us would lie backdown on the bunk: Pierre in the middle, Sandy on one side, me on the other. Sandy and I were instructed to inflate our cheeks with air, and hold it. Pierre would take a hand to each of our faces. He would begin to sing: Dunh dunh dunh dunh dunh . . . Then he would release air from the filled cheeks by squeezing, first one of us, pfft pfft!, then the other, pfft pfft! This exercise would exhibit both our vast musical abilities and maturity.

To simply jar your memory of this tune (and not link you to a nearly 10-minute version of the whole piece), I will refer you to a 30-second Monty Python short, “Exploding Blue Danube.”


Helen said...

Oh, that (the post and video) was great!!! (I feel the use of exclamation points here is most justified.)

Otter said...

This is delicious...