Monday, April 2, 2007

57/365 Istanbul (Not Constantinople)

My sister-outlaw turned me onto They Might Be Giants oh-so-many moons ago. I think by the time she did, she was actually my ex-sister-outlaw. I became a big fan of Flood. No doubt I’ll mention a couple of original TMBG songs eventually, but listening to their cover of “Istanbul (Not Constantinople)” is always so much fun, I just had to include it on this dark, rainy day, as the world turns back to winter for another week. Apparently the song’s lyricist, Jimmy Kennedy, also penned “Teddy Bears’ Picnic.” Check out this looney tune. Why did Constantinople get the works? That’s nobody’s business but the Turks.


Helen said...

That was fun. I'm amazed at the number of comments not of the "that was fun" type that that video generated though...

Indigo Bunting said...

Hmmm. Just looked at those. Hmmmm. Maybe I'm unbelievably unPC.