Monday, April 23, 2007

78/365 Excellent Birds

Flying birds.
Excellent birds.
Watch them fly.
There they go.
Falling snow.
Excellent snow.
Here it comes.
Watch it fall.
Long words.
Excellent words.
I can hear them now.
This is the picture.

Even before I was a true bird nerd, I was a true Laurie Anderson nerd. I loved this piece she did with Peter Gabriel. At the time, it was the excellent words that got to me. Now excellent birds are even more excellent words to my ears.


Cedar Waxwing said...

You keep on introducing me to musicians I've missed. Thank you!

Susan said...

Cool! I know some LA fans but hadn't gotten into her myself. I went from your song to this little video. Now I want more.

Helen said...

I hadn't heard of Laurie Anderson before either.

On a totally different note but related to the video link in Susan's comment, do bunny clubs exist anymore? Or have they gone the way of the dodo?

Otter said...

When I was in college one of my firends was a huge Laurie Anderson fan, although I've never heard that song before. Excellent.

eotter said...

this was really interesting. thank you for sharing!

Indigo Bunting said...

Susan: Love that PSA. I checked out some others, too, but the one you found was the best.