Friday, February 16, 2007

12/365 Your Feet’s Too Big

It’s hard to pick a favorite Fats Waller song, but it would be hard to not pick this one.

’Nuff said? One never knows, do one?

Say, up in Harlem,
At a table for two,
There were four of us:
Me, your big feet, and you!
From your ankles up, I say you sure are sweet.
From there down, there’s just too much feet!


Deloney said...

This joint's a-jumpin'!

Sabine said...


Deloney said...

I hate to ask, but is B. Kiddo dead? I hope it was painless. I've clicked on her site about ten times a day, and nothing there. I was loooking forward to her musical ramblings.

"B. Kiddo died quietly after a brave battle with her record collection. She leaves behind the rare picture-sleeve singles of Dylan's "Please Crawl Out Your Window" and the Stones "Cocksucker Blues." Her friends remember her as the sort of mouthy blonde you always wanted to hang out with. "

Susan said...

Do you suppose Fats Waller ever met Dr. Seuss? Now, there's a collaboration that would be interesting!

Indigo Bunting said...

D: I didn't realize you knew B. Kiddo personally, but clearly, you do.

I have absolutely no doubt she'll eventually join the project, unless she is, in fact, dead. It's been at least a couple of weeks since I sauntered into that bar to annoy her while drinking with Fat Red Ant.

Susan: I love this Waller/Seuss idea. Maybe they did collaborate. In looking them both up on Wikipedia, turns out they were born the same year. Seuss and I share a birthday (which I knew; different years), and Waller died on Tim's (again, different year, to be clear). I didn't realize Waller was only 39 when he departed. Quite the run he had.

Sewa Yoleme said...

Wow, only 39? Amazing.

My favorite Fats song has to be the Viper's Drag, though that's mainly because of I associate it with a live performance in a particularly louche establishment in NYC in the mid-70s.

Indigo Bunting said...

SY: I had to look up louche. New word. Cool. (Of course, if you were there, the establishment would almost have to be louche.)