Monday, February 26, 2007

22/365 Pablo Picasso

How could I not love a song that begins The woman that I love is 40 feet tall . . . ? A great song of delusion, Citizen Cope’s got me all on the narrator’s side of this story. Of course I’d do anything for the only one alive who knows that I’m not crazy.

Mr. Officer, if you’ve come to take her
Then that means one of us gonna end up in a stretcher.


Indigo Bunting said...

Admittedly, this youtube clip's a little strange. It starts with CC alone on guitar, which is kind of interesting, then it breaks into the studio cut, but still shows footage of the guitar only. It was, however, the only place online I could find the song as I know it.

Sewa Yoleme said...

See, I could never do this music blog thing. Your taste is so varied and yet so eclectic. I'd end up posting the same three songwriters over and over.

Indigo Bunting said...

And see, that would be an excellent study in the works of those particular three. I would eagerly read it.

Otter said...

O.K. I've never heard of Citizen Cope before, but by the end of the song I just felt kinda dizzy and breathless. I'm hooked. The weridness in the beginning just added to the love later on. Woowhee I think I better go take a cold shower now.

Indigo Bunting said...

lolololo: (Why am I suddenly thinking of lololololo-la?) This song's on the Clarence Greenwood Recordings, the only CD of his I have.

Sabine said...

I'm learning so much. Never heard of this guy before.

Cedar Waxwing said...

What a fun singer/songwriter. I'm going to check him out.

Otter said...

I.B. Turns out that my next door neighbor has this CD and has let me borrow it for the week. Oh Joy!

Indigo Bunting said...

Not to encourage any activity that might be slightly shady, but burn, baby, burn!

Indigo Bunting said...

P.S. Or love it and buy it.

Otter said...

Down loading it onto one's i-pod is not illegal is it? or were you referring to another sort of burning?